Love can't be defined..... Comment !!!

We all talk about love and to love others all the time and we preach the most about this thing but we hardly realize that how much we really enjoy the love ? Love is beyond the words explanations and convulsive language. it is so simple and serene in its nature that if we will really explain that what does it mean then that explanation can kill its essence.

While reading a book a month back i had came across a text which actually allured me :
" Also those who read about love most promiscuously are the one's actually who has never felt it. They make some sort of feeble stew out of sympathy, compassion, contempt and general differences, and they call it love. Once you have felt what it means to love ( as you and I know) - the total passion for the total height- you're incapable of anything else (The Fountainhead, P. 462)."

Indeed this is very very close to the reality. But what i really want to point out here, is that when we read such kind of stuff then we think that love actually is an emotion and those who can feel it can't talk about it. But this is not true, i believe that what we feel only that can be described, if not in words then in actions but in one way or another it is transmitted from one person to other.

According to Guruji: Narada has explained the state of Divine love as the highest attainment and achievement of life.
What you guys think then ??
Ponder on this thought for a while and i am sure that everyone will come up with one or other answer but all will be worthy for the personal development. !!
Have Fun
Btw.. Love you all!!


nands November 23, 2009 at 1:56 AM  

True! :)
Love can't be defined.