Knowledge for the day : December 28th, 2008.

In our general education we are taught many things. We learn to read and write, we learn something about science, mathematics, geography and history, art and music. But unfortunately, we are never hardly taught the most fundamental knowledge of the life; how to manage our own mind and emotions to develop and enjoy the fullest of what human life can offer. No other knowledge is more valuable in determining the quality of one's life.

Young children who have not accumulated a lot of stress they generally have a store house of energy and whenever we have chance to meet them we can feel extra strength and sense of living in them. But as we become adults then we lose our innocence because of the stress. The more stress we have, the more negative emotions such as fear and anger consciously and unconsciously, affect our lives.

With the innate wellspring of joy and love largely blocked from our experience, the mind is drawn toward distraction that provide a limited, temporary joy, and our attention focuses more on the past and future rather than the present moment. we never live the present moment.

Being present is not only being attentive to what is happening around us, but also being aware of how we are feeling inside. Feelings are often expressed without even feeling it. We often say, " I love you," and "it is a pleasure meeting you, without even feeling that for a moment.
We say something and our mind think about something else. :)

Cultural influences further condition us to focus outside of ourselves to find happiness, or love, or to place blame when we have feeling of anger, jealousy, or other negative emotions.

Often, people continually hope some state of happiness will come in future once some "thing" has been accomplished. The mind keeps thinking "I'll be happy when I finally have that." Young people think they will be happy when they have freedom from their parents. Single people will be happy when they find the right partner. Married people think they could be happy if only their partner would change a few things about themselves. Others think they will be happy when they have more money, more fame, a better job, a better house, when they retire, etc. Being happy is continually put of to future, but happiness can't be experienced in the future, only in the present.

But when the desire if fulfilled we may feel happy for a time, but then another desire comes and again we start looking to the future. No matter what success, fame, or relationship may achieve in the world, a lasting, profound fulfillment doest not come. Many simply accept that this is as good as it gets, while the purpose of their life remains unclear, directed toward shallow rewards, or is thought to be unachievable.

(continued.... )

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