Different types of Purities..

Purity can be of three types:
1. Purity of Body
2. Of Speech
3. Of Feelings.

Purity in body can be brought by some Asanas, pranayaam, washing body etc.
Purity in speech can be brought by some nice thoughts or with some best company also
Purity in feelings needs the basic cleansing of the mind.

If a person is pessimistic and is focusing only on that one then that person can bring negativity in the whole ambiance and the whole group ( Sangha). But only if the person shifts this attitude of focusing on negative aspects to positive aspects then purity in feelings can happen automatically.

Now in case of criticism also, if our criticism is attached with personal feelings to bring down the person's ego in some harsh manner and if that criticism goes beyond the throat then it is poisonous and perfection in speech is not possible at all. But this doesn't mean that one should not criticize the wrong things. Only thing is that there should be no force of feelings. It should be just string of words not the stream of emotions gushing through the hole of mouth with the rudder of tongue. Using this thing with emotional attachment it is not possible at all to reform the person.

So purity of speech and feelings should be there and for this one should separate personal self from the feelings. Like Criticism, Anger is also not bad if it stays only for few moments. It is actually healthy emotion.

So best thing is : Surrender the emotions- which means the cause and the experience.

When we speak, do we ever realize that every word we speak is actually intelligence; energy. so when we contemplate back to our achievements and others too and mistakes and all other things- do we see only tranquility and energy. so just have a little break fro speaking.

So after knowing the value of the silence but still speaks on is the mistake of the mistake of the awareness.

Consciousness is something which is empty like the sky and at the same time full like and ocean. We claim to renounce the world but what does this world renounce means ??
Renunciation doesn't mean that you should leave the world and don't perform your duties. To get away from the situation is not renunciation, it is cowardliness. Wake up the consciousness and do something for everyone and yourself too and don't get attached to any event then only one can achieve renunciation and salvation at same time.

There is nothing to accept and nothing to reject. Just do whatever is required to do at the moment with natural attitude and natural behavior of every human being is to be compassionate and to give love to everyone. To enjoy the gratitude of the Divine.

Don't hook love to others' behavior. It is very very important to enjoy every moment only then one can see the lucidity of every moment..

So enjoy ur day and every day of life.. and Love unconditionally. Renounce the bad habits; develop love and purity in speech and feelings too.. :)

Love !!!


nands November 23, 2009 at 1:49 AM  

"Don't hook love to others' behavior."
Thanks for that! :)
You write very well.
Keep writing.