Different types of Purities..

Purity can be of three types:
1. Purity of Body
2. Of Speech
3. Of Feelings.

Purity in body can be brought by some Asanas, pranayaam, washing body etc.
Purity in speech can be brought by some nice thoughts or with some best company also
Purity in feelings needs the basic cleansing of the mind.

If a person is pessimistic and is focusing only on that one then that person can bring negativity in the whole ambiance and the whole group ( Sangha). But only if the person shifts this attitude of focusing on negative aspects to positive aspects then purity in feelings can happen automatically.

Now in case of criticism also, if our criticism is attached with personal feelings to bring down the person's ego in some harsh manner and if that criticism goes beyond the throat then it is poisonous and perfection in speech is not possible at all. But this doesn't mean that one should not criticize the wrong things. Only thing is that there should be no force of feelings. It should be just string of words not the stream of emotions gushing through the hole of mouth with the rudder of tongue. Using this thing with emotional attachment it is not possible at all to reform the person.

So purity of speech and feelings should be there and for this one should separate personal self from the feelings. Like Criticism, Anger is also not bad if it stays only for few moments. It is actually healthy emotion.

So best thing is : Surrender the emotions- which means the cause and the experience.

When we speak, do we ever realize that every word we speak is actually intelligence; energy. so when we contemplate back to our achievements and others too and mistakes and all other things- do we see only tranquility and energy. so just have a little break fro speaking.

So after knowing the value of the silence but still speaks on is the mistake of the mistake of the awareness.

Consciousness is something which is empty like the sky and at the same time full like and ocean. We claim to renounce the world but what does this world renounce means ??
Renunciation doesn't mean that you should leave the world and don't perform your duties. To get away from the situation is not renunciation, it is cowardliness. Wake up the consciousness and do something for everyone and yourself too and don't get attached to any event then only one can achieve renunciation and salvation at same time.

There is nothing to accept and nothing to reject. Just do whatever is required to do at the moment with natural attitude and natural behavior of every human being is to be compassionate and to give love to everyone. To enjoy the gratitude of the Divine.

Don't hook love to others' behavior. It is very very important to enjoy every moment only then one can see the lucidity of every moment..

So enjoy ur day and every day of life.. and Love unconditionally. Renounce the bad habits; develop love and purity in speech and feelings too.. :)

Love !!!

Love can't be defined..... Comment !!!

We all talk about love and to love others all the time and we preach the most about this thing but we hardly realize that how much we really enjoy the love ? Love is beyond the words explanations and convulsive language. it is so simple and serene in its nature that if we will really explain that what does it mean then that explanation can kill its essence.

While reading a book a month back i had came across a text which actually allured me :
" Also those who read about love most promiscuously are the one's actually who has never felt it. They make some sort of feeble stew out of sympathy, compassion, contempt and general differences, and they call it love. Once you have felt what it means to love ( as you and I know) - the total passion for the total height- you're incapable of anything else (The Fountainhead, P. 462)."

Indeed this is very very close to the reality. But what i really want to point out here, is that when we read such kind of stuff then we think that love actually is an emotion and those who can feel it can't talk about it. But this is not true, i believe that what we feel only that can be described, if not in words then in actions but in one way or another it is transmitted from one person to other.

According to Guruji: Narada has explained the state of Divine love as the highest attainment and achievement of life.
What you guys think then ??
Ponder on this thought for a while and i am sure that everyone will come up with one or other answer but all will be worthy for the personal development. !!
Have Fun
Btw.. Love you all!!

Divine love is beyond desires...

Desires.. major conflict for the spiritual practitioners to understand this issue. Most of the time we confuse desire with the intention and then try to justify that our desire is actually our intention.
But 'Desire' actually is the one which always has some feverishness with it and we keep on thinking about that all the time, because we heard that the more intense your desire the more are the chances that it will get fulfilled. So the bottom line is : We want our desires to be always fulfilled.

Poor wants more money, rich person wants to become the richest in the world, players wants to become the best player, student wants to become the best student with highest marks and accolades but when one desire is filled then another arises.. Starting from the childhood through adulthood till the end of the life, man is always in this convulsive and endless ring of desires where no end and no start is seen...

But what does actually happen when we have desire rather than an intention?
Our desires promises fulfillment and when one is filled another arise. so it is an endless chain..

It brings grief and misery to our lives but not the contentment.. ))
Fulfillment can happen only when we are filled with love and when we are in that plane of love where only divinity lives then all other desires disappear. That state brings true joy.. !

"Na Ramate, Notsahi Bhavati"

When we don't get lost in any desire and when we get something but don't get excited even after attaining it then that state is termed as the blissful state; excitement brings anxiety and throws us off the balance.

Thus the true yearn should be only for the Divine love and that also without feverishness.

I have also realized this state of contentment.
When i was not having time i used to complaint that i don't have time then what can i do for others or for personal amusement also. But then i got time, almost one full year and that also to do nothing.. then i was thinking that what if i should get a job or get into college. then got the job and college too. Couldn't do both, then another desire : what if i should go to school only. Had an accident, lost my car and then forced to go for school only. another desire: what if i should be done with study and have some time... to go and wander.. !! Done with study almost 3 semester before it was tentative to end... Didn't get admit for the next class so had free time. Now, what if i go to India.. Finally some occasion came and went there too.. and this endless series of desires..
Never was happy until i realized that i have made my life conditional so better is to live without conditions. Set aims, follow certain rules to achieve them, but don't get agitated even if you don't fulfill them. Put 100% which is most important and do level best to help others.

I am really telling you a lot of change has happened... !!!
All Grace is of Guruji..
Love !!

Extract from the book :: Power of Love..

“When love glows, it is bliss;

When love flows, it is compassion.

When it blows, it is anger.

When it ferments, it is jealousy.

When it is all ‘NOs’, it is hatred.

When it acts, it is perfection.

When love knows, it is me.”

My dearest Guruji Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji, says that:

There is strength in peace; there is strength in calmness; there is strength in love- which goes unnoticed.

What one can’t win with stick can win with love. Power Of Love needs to be realized. The most powerful thing in the world is love!

Tat Tvan Asi:

When we experience joy, our mind expands.

When we experience pain, our mind gets concentrated and focused, and it comes to one point. In our whole life we always experience pain but we never encounter it; we never stay with it, we never go deep into it.

In love, we can experience pain that brings depth to us. Joy is expansion and height; pain is contraction and depth.

In pain, we consolidate our whole energy. Our consciousness gets deeper and more intense.

Love is very delicate. It makes us delicate from deep inside. It makes us week even though it is greatest strength on this planet. In love, we become vulnerable also. Our whole being is so delicate, so ethereal. And Divine also loves the meek, and the experience of the Divine is so delicate, so supple, so ethereal.

We just need to experience that love is not an emotion, it is our very existence. In love we have longing and pain and that very longing is the Divine.

Guruji says:

“ you are nothing, but burning longing.

You are nothing, but a live glow if love.

You are that longing which you have for me. You are that love which you have for me.

You are that. Be with that.”

Love can be three different types:

One that comes out of charm,

Second, that comes out of familiarity and finally

Third is the Divine Love.

Love that comes out of charm, does not last long. This love is an outcome of unfamiliarity. Once we become familiar with each other, the attraction is quickly lost, and boredom sets in- as in many marriages. This type of love diminishes, and it brings fear, uncertainty, insecurity and sadness.

Love that comes out of familiarity grows as our love for our old friends or for family members. However, this love has no thrill, no enthusiasm, no fire.

But the Divine love spreads both these types of love. It is ever new! The closer we go to it, the more charm and depth we can find there. It has not only familiarity and enthusiasm but also comfort and vast acceptance. It is like a sky- limitless, infinite.

Loving someone:

Why do we love someone?

Is it because of a sense of kinship or intimacy – or do we love someone because he (she) is great or unique?

Guruji says, “ If you love someone for his (or her) qualities, then I tell you, you are hopeless!”

We can love someone without feeling sense of kinship. This type of love generally leads us to competition and jealousy. Also if we love some one only for his/ her qualities, then when the qualities change, or when we get used to those qualities, love also changes. However, if we love someone out of a sense of kinship- if we love someone because he/she belongs to us- then that love remains for lifetime.

The love of kinship is like the love for your own self.

“If the love is based on the qualities of some persons then that love is not stable. After sometime, the qualities change and this love becomes shaky.

Loving someone because of his/her greatness or uniqueness is third rate love.

Loving someone because they belong too you- great or otherwise- is unconditional love” (The Power of Love, 19).

Neither qualities nor action can be perfect all the time. Love, and a feeling of kinship, alone, can be perfect.

Since we feel that we are not made up of love and take love as an emotion, and we try to express it to others. But what happens when someone expresses this love to us?

Generally, we feel obliged and bound, we can shirk or feel shy, or sometime can feel foolish or awkward while other time our ego hardens and doesn’t allow us to receive and reciprocate, and majority of time we doubt the love expressed and our own worthiness.

We are afraid of losing respect because love does not allow distance, and respect tends to require distance.

The more centered you are, the more you know (by experience) that you are love, the more you feel at home with any amount of love, being expressed in any manner- for deep inside, you know, love is not an emotion; it is your very existence. (H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji).

Here comes another thing, when we love someone and express it to the fellow, but due to any of the above reason person doesn’t accept our proposal then what happens? What we do then?

Get frustrated, turn love into hatred and wish for revenge.

Try to remind the fellow again and again that how much we are in love with him/her

Our behavior changes and we become fussy and cranky, start throwing tantrums.

We feel humiliated and try to protect our respect.

Sometimes we resolve that we will never love that fellow again in our lives.

We may feel hurt and mistreated and due to all these reasons we try to be aloof and indifferent, so that people can sympathize with us and can acknowledge our pain.

But we might have seen that all these things which are given above do not help us in any manner and they actually worsen our situation. Then what is the way to maintain our love our very existence?

Have patience and change expression of love. Be centered, and limit expressing love. Because sometimes over expression puts the person off.

Best thing is, always take it granted that they love you too, and accept their style of expression.

Acknowledge whatever love they have for us and this will turn our demand into gratefulness.

Always keep in mind that hurt or pain is also a part of love, and take responsibility for it.

We can say that love for everyone should be the same but while loving the partner this could be in a different form. Just expression is different. But we see that marriages fall apart now a days- reason is lack of understanding, different style of expression of love and the demand to prove the love all the time. This actually turns off the mind and changes our energy of love to different form where this can ferment of blow or can turn to big NO’s.

We never decide our relationship or partnership with our heads; it’s our heart which draws us towards a partner. But it is still necessary to use intellect too keep a certain balance.

Our mind thinks thousands of things in a day and we hardly can tell which one is right or which one is not.

Guruji says, “ If you just look at someone and say, “Oh!, this is a partner for me!”- i.e., if you just get into a partnership only on an impulse, then tomorrow, your heart goes somewhere else… and on the third day, your heart goes somewhere else, yet again- you will be in trouble and you will put others into trouble also! This won’t work!”

At the same time if you keep thinking in your head, “Who should be my partners? Who is my partner?”- This won’t work either!

Any relationship or partnership can stay only if both the partners think of contributing into that relationship instead of thinking that what they will get out this relationship, then only the relationship remains healthy.

After reading this wonderful book, I wonder .. What is true and what is not.. It is true that love is our very existence.. So live in that .. Realize our personal self.. See Divine in every person and in every thing including personal self. Then the whole world will be one family..

Have fun !!